Want to earn while advertising your sites?
You can now with this new Auto-surf program.
With out any doubt this is the ultimate in Auto-surfing!
12% for 12 days but the best*feature in my opinion is...
Wait for it...
You will get paid when you reach 144%,
no matter how many days it takes you to reach that.
No more loses on your stake!
The minimum amount of sites you need to visit is still 12!
You can surf more and use credits to advertise your
websites if you have any,
The maximum is 72 pages per day and you are allowed
to advertise 3 Sites! Minimum upgrade is $6.
You can have more than one upgrade at the same time!
Upgrading will be available at any time, the difference is that
if you upgrade before you surf for that day,
your first day of earnings will be the day you upgraded.
If you have already surfed for that day and then you *upgrade,
your first day will be the day after.
Regular ^Cash-Prizes & Contests.
Hurry and start *earning whilst promoting at the same time.
To Your Success
Demis K.
P.S. Check this out too:
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