WhatAreYa,Nuts? Giving Away Referrals????

WHATAREYA,  CRAZY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

What kind of idiot would give away referrals?

At Unselfish Wealth, they only way I can make this kind of money is to help YOU fill YOUR matrix. So when I get my 4 referrals, I keep advertising until you get your referrals, and your downline gets theirs, and their downline gets theirs…etc.  Crazy, Huh? Not really. Read on.

Before you write me off TOTALLY, Check out these numbers!

1.    Fast Start Bonuses

Retail Bonus    Amount Paid
1st Generation    $20
2nd Generation    $8
3rd Generation    $8
4th Generation    $8

2.    4 X 6 Forced Matrix

Level    Members
Per Level    Percentage
Paid    Income
1    4    2%    $4.00
2    16    2%    $15.98
3    64    3%    $95.90
4    256    3%    $383.62
5    1024    3%    $1,534.46
6    4096    5%    $10,229.76
         TOTAL    $12,263.72
Example based on $49.95 Memberships

3.    Matching Bonuses on 4 Generations

Bonus Type    Matching Bonus
House Bonus    1st Generation = 100%
Car Bonus    2nd Generation = 50%
Lifestyle Bonus    3rd Generation = 25%
Retirement Bonus    4th Generation = 10%

4.    Global Bonus Pools

Bonus Pools Type     
Executive Directors
Split equal shares with Executive Directors    2%
Regional Director
Split equal shares with Regional Directors    2%
National Director
Split equal shares with National Directors    2%
Presidential Director
Split equal shares with Presidential Directors    2%

NOW, what do you think?

Unselfish Wealth has teamed up with Travelencia to bring this copyrighted compensation plan to all it's members. It is predicated on ALL members helping their downline by reassigning "spillover" referrals to the rest of their team. This is the ONLY way I can make the big bucks. I advertise daily (about a 15 minute commitment) on several FREE sites and will continue to do so until  my ENTIRE matrix is full.  If you join my team, I'll advertise for you and you (and your team) will get ALL of my "spillover" referrals.

I'll even give you some information to help you advertise on the best sites on the 'net, traffic sites, list builders, etc.

I have already gotten My first commission payment. I'll get another this Friday and EVERY Friday because commissions are paid WEEKLY!!!  This is another Travelencia first.

Isn't this better than ANY other program you've looked at?

Take the tour. There's no obligation.


Yes, I'll take the tour!!!  Go Here ======>>> http://hotshorturl.com/rd44

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