Hi Partner, we have more positions to fill at Fannie Mae, up to 7 more openings in Herndon, VA!!!!! All candidates must be available next Wednesday, August 6th, to interview in person without a phone interview, absolutely NO exceptions. These positions require candidates with a minimum of 8 years of overall IT, and lots of financial industry experience (not working on financial applications, but actually working for a financial company, working on business applications that resolve business problems). The technical required skills are: J2EE, WebLogic, Oracle, JSF, Spring, JSP, and Hibernate. All are required!!!
We need to move quickly!! Please let me know if you should have anyone available.
Skills Matrix:
Overall IT experience
Financial industry experience
J2EE (minimum 5 years)
We Appreciate your business,
Sam S Dut
JInfo Systems Inc.
Technical Recruiter
11714 Georgia Avenue
Silver, MD 20902
TEL: (301) 933-9711
FAX: +1 (301) 576-3633
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